Anatomical Collections

The Anatomical Collections of the National Museum of Health and Medicine are a repository of historically and medically significant anatomical specimens related to the fields of anthropology, forensic medicine, military medicine, paleopathology, and pathology. The Anatomical Collections were initially established with the founding of the museum in 1862 for the purpose of documenting surgical and medical cases in order to improve medical care for the warfighter. Today, the Anatomical Collections comprise four types of materials:

  1. Anatomical and pathological specimens
  2. Fluid preserved gross anatomical and pathological specimens
  3. Medical research collections containing histological slides and tissue blocks
  4. Related archival materials

As a federal institution, the National Museum of Health and Medicine is subject to NAGPRA. Please email the museum for more information about repatriation.

Research & Access

The museum's collections are available for research, exhibition, and other educational purposes. The collections are open for research Monday through Friday by appointment only, except federal holidays. The historic and scientific value of the museum's collections requires that NMHM carefully balance the needs of continued scientific and historic investigations with our responsibility to preserve museum assets for future generations. Therefore, NMHM requires that researchers discuss their research projects with collections staff and certain requests may require a detailed proposal.

Researchers interested in using the Anatomical Collections should contact the museum via email:

Guide to the Collections

Interested in using the museum collections for research? Begin your search with our Guide to the Collections.