Developmental Anatomy
Stage 14: Summary
External: Invagination of the lens disc but with an open lens pit; a well-defined endolymphatic appendage; elongated and tapering upper limb buds.
Internal: The ventral pancreas (if not detectable earlier) is distinguishable at stages 14 and 15; right and left lung sacs grow dorsad; the ureteric bud acquires a metanephrogenic cap; future cerebral hemispheres and cerebellar plates begin to be visible.
- Length: 5 - 7 mm.
- Invagination of optic lens.
- Ear vesicle has well-defined endolymphatic appendages.
- Mandibular and hyoid bars have acquired ascendancy over third or gloss pharyngeal bar.
- Arm buds elongating and curved toward body.
- Leg buds are fin-like.
- Ovulation age: 31 - 35 days.
Stage 14: Animation
Developmental Stages in Human Embryos by Ronan O'Rahilly and Fabiola Müller.
Published by Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 637. 1987.
Stage 14 (PDF 1 MB)
QUESTION: What structure becomes well defined in the ear vesicle?