Medical Museum Science Café

Modernizing Hearing Health—Innovations in Audiology Technology

Modernizing Hearing Health Innovations in Audiology Technology
Innovations in Audiology Technology

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In person at NMHM
Thursday, October 26, 2023, 6-7 p.m.

National Museum of Health and Medicine
2500 Linden Lane
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910

And online - @MedicalMuseum on Facebook and Instagram


The Department of Defense Hearing Conservation Program is one of the largest occupational surveillance programs in the world, with more than 1 million service members completing annual hearing tests to monitor hearing status and determine hearing readiness. Join Col. Amy Blank, audiologist and Military Injury Prevention Division chief at the Defense Centers for Public Health - Aberdeen, as she discusses recent innovations in hearing health care that promote service member readiness. These advancements include hearing protector fit testing and technology that enables remote and point-of-injury hearing heath care, boothless audiometry, and health education delivery through tablet-based technology.


FREE! Open to the public. No RSVP required.


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