Medical Museum Science Café

Scarred for Life: Using Art to Bring Humanity to Trauma Recovery

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When: November 15, 6-7 pm

National Museum of Health and Medicine
2500 Linden Lane
Silver Spring, MD 20910


Artist and patient advocate Ted Meyer uses his artwork to help others see the positive in the worst life can offer. Meyer’s 18-year project “Scarred for Life: Monoprints of Human Scars” chronicles the trauma and courage of people who have lived through accidents and health crises. “Scarred for Life” continues today featuring the scars of Wounded Warriors and the impact these injuries have had on their lives and others. These scar “portraits” powerfully evoke the dedication, persistence, and humanity of our service members who have fought and sacrificed for their country. Come hear Meyer recount his recent experiences working with Wounded Warriors. A temporary exhibit of Meyer’s “Scarred for Life” prints will be on display at NMHM.


FREE! Open to the public. No RSVP required.


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